Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tide Weekly Analysis - Week 12

Tide Fans -

I HATE Auburn. I don't even know where to start - I have been delaying this week's analysis because I was so irritated at first, and then it turned to depression over having nothing to say. So, after a few days to think about it I will give it my best shot. I can't stand the fact that we have lost to Auburn 6 times in a row - that kills me! Especially when I see pictures of their coach and their players holding up six fingers (I didn't think they could count, so I will have to give a shout out to the basic math skills of the Auburn football players). Nothing makes me more mad than seeing that little smug look on Tubberville's face. He single handily makes me hate Auburn more than I already did. I hope he stays at Auburn, so one day soon I can laugh in his face after a big Tide victory.

What makes the entire situation more irritating is that we should have won that game. Several times we should have taken the game over, but we just couldn't pull it off. Auburn was really not playing a very good game. Our defense was doing an adequate job, once again our offense just stunk it up big time. I mean we could not catch any passes - even the few that were right on target. I think the only person on offense who came to play that night was Glen Coffee. He was gutting it out for every yard he could get. DJ Hall might as well have been wearing a blue & orange jersey. I don't think Keith Brown even knew he was in the game. It was just an overall very lackluster performance for the offense - they did not have the look in their eyes like they were there to win. They were just simply going through the motions. Even Coach Saban looked like he was just there - not intensity at all.

I don't know for sure what is going on in Tuscaloosa with the team, but it appears as though they have just all given up. Saban needs to have a "Come to Jesus" meeting this Spring, or even sooner. I think it needs to go something like this:

Is there anyone in here that does not want to give their all to play on this football team? On this team we don't get to put on the Crimson jersey and half ass it - we play hard on every play, or we don't play at all. Am I clear on that??? If you are not willing to give 100% to this team, and this great University - then get out! Think of all the champions before you that wore that Crimson jersey. They earned those championships with blood, sweat and tears. They worked hard every day, and did what they needed to do to get better. If you are not willing to do what it takes to be a champion, then I don't want you on this team. Every single person on this team needs to give everything they have - if we all can agree to do this, then we will be a great team.

I'm sure it will be different than that, but do you see my point? I know our coach will get this program turned around, it is going to take time, and the full dedication of his players. I know people are tired of hearing about it taking time to change the program, but it does - there is no way around it. We are just going to have to stick it out, and in a few season we will see the results. Next year will be OK, but nothing huge - maybe 8 wins. I predict 2009 to be our breakout year - this is when things will start to happen!

I predicted us to have 7 wins this season, and we may still get that if we go to the Poulan Weedeater Bowl or something like that. Honestly I'm not sure I can stand to witness another sub par performance from The Tide - especially against the likes of a very sub par Big 12 or Big 10 team. I only want the bowl game so our young guys can get some practice - I seriously don't even care if any of the seniors (besides Wallace Gilberry) make it to the game. I would be ok with all new guys on the field who are busting their ass to play.

Bowl or no bowl, this season is over, and it is time to look to the future. There were some great moments this season, and some terrible ones. Through it all, I remain a loyal Tide fan - not even a terrible ending and six losses in a row to Auburn can effect that!

Until next time...Roll Tide!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, the offense was offensive. I don't know if it was coaching or just lack of confidence in JP. I know this, if he is our QB next year I may just boycott Alabama football and pick it up in 2009. HE SUCKS!